Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chapter 1

So, Tori rolled over today. Completely from laying on her back to laying on her stomach. As I watched Min spend 5 minutes coaxing her over but not actually helping her, I was so excited to be able to run to facebook and tell the world that Tori rolled over. Then I thought...who the hell cares?!?! Most of my facebook friends couldn't care less about the goings on of my 3-month old daughter. It was then that I realized the purpose and reason for a blog. So I came up with a catchy name. Catchy name.blogspot was taken, so Min and I put our heads together to come up with the address. (It's a Tori Amos reference, in case you were has no bearing on the intelligence of our daughter.)
So here we are. I will try to keep this updated. It will mostly relate to me and Tori. I will also post my parenthood questions here. No more mass emails to all my mom friends. Just blog posts. Wish me luck!


  1. Exactly!!! You know everyone reading this will care about what you are saying and probably cheer for you too.

  2. I couldn't be any happier! New blog and I get to hang with you and Tori on Friday. Sweet. :)
