Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chapter 3 - Returning to work

I'm at work. It sucks. This was only the second morning I have ever woken up Tori from her deep sleep. There was so much to do to get her ready and myself. Then to come to work and figure out what's been going on for the past 4 months. Laaaaaammmmmmmmme!

Good news is, I didn't really cry. She's at my mom's house, so it's not like I'm leaving her with strangers yet. Bad news is, it took me FOREVER to get from my mom's house to work. And of course I got to my mom's house later than I intended since my plan this morning didn't go as I had hoped. I didn't make it in until 9. We'll try again tomorrow with a few revisions to the plan...hahah! Good thing no one cares what I do this week and no one will be looking for me when I leave at 5 anyway. ;)

She's finally good with the formula with minimal fighting. But since I am still nursing her, I will still have to pump at work today. Finally get to put that privacy room we have in our office to use! Go women's lib! Hahah!

Please someone tell me that it's ok that my baby girl spends more waking hours (or close to the same amount) with people at daycare than she does with us. That she will be just fine and that my heartache will stop. Because I have to work.


  1. I wish I knew what to say to make it better, but it'll just be hard for awhile. Your heart may ache, but Tori will absolutely be fine. Do your research though and make sure she gets into a really good daycare, because all daycares are not created equal.

  2. Nikki is right. It will get easier, but it will suck sometimes when you think too much about it.

  3. Ella has been in day care since she was 10 weeks old - being a single parent it was the only way it could be. Our bond didn't suffer from it, she doesn't resent me and it's worked out well for us, it gives us a break from each other.

    Sure, I still get sad that I can't stay home with her and be with her every day. But it will get easier for you, and then it will be hard again, but it will be easy again. Take it one day at a time.

  4. I agree with Liz. The heartache will get easier. You will learn to really appreciate ALL of the time you do have with her. You also have the weekends when she will be completely yours. The mornings are rough, the night times will be hectic but the best part of your day. I know I held my babies for hours at night even when I knew they should be in their beds. Snuggle time is good!

    She will be fine and well adjusted and will love you just as much. My kids seem to be doing just fine, well at least I think so :-)

    I know what you are going through. If you ever want to talk or cry give me a call. I'm here for you.
