Monday, May 18, 2009

Attempts #3 and #4...


We tried tonight to give her another Enfamil bottle. She wasn't interested. She kept making a face and taking the bottle out of her mouth. Then we called our neighbor and "borrowed" a few scoops of Similac soy. I think we have success! Now I just have to figure out if it's the Similac or the soy that she likes. So now it's off to Target to buy a variety to figure out what works!


  1. Let me know if you need me to mail your coupons back. I have quite a few left! Congrats on the success!

  2. Isn't it funny how they can already be picky at this age? Good luck with the formula hunt!

  3. Yeah! Good luck finding something that works. Plus...if she is hungry I'm sure she will eat. Did you feed her or did Min? I've read that it is easier to start bottle feeding a baby by having someone other than the nursing mother do it. If you are feeding them they want to nurse.

  4. i tasted the emfamil, i can tell you it tastes like liquid chalk. i can understand why she didnt like it. the similac, at least, was sweeter.
