Monday, August 31, 2009

Dry skin

Ok, so has anyone heard of this before? My friend's baby had very sensitive, very dry skin like Tori. Her mom suggested she do this. She asked her pediatrician and she agreed it was a good idea. My friend swore it worked after a week and it got better after that. So I'm dying to know if anyone else has experience with this.

After baby gets out of the bath, still wet, dip a washcloth in a can of Crisco and rub it on baby's arms and legs. Dress them in long sleeves and pants and put baby to bed. I asked if she would smell like a french fry and she promised me that she wouldn't.

It sounds gross. But is it one of those old wives tales that works??


  1. I have never ever heard of it. You never know though, and it can't hurt...

  2. I've heard of Vaseline, but not Crisco. I guess they're close to the same though?

  3. Never heard of it either but I'd ask your pediatrician first. Sounds like it could clog her pores and she could overheat. I think that's more of a concern if the baby is under 6 months, but it wouldn't hurt to ask your ped. what he/she thinks.
