Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My little monkey

I can't believe I forgot to post about this! A couple of weeks ago, Min put Tori in the crib after he changed her to go wash his hands. When he came back in, there were 2 little hands and a full head peering over the edge! So we dropped the crib down one level that night. No joke, the next day, the same thing happened again! She figured out how to use the bumpers to climb up so she could see where we went when we left the room. So the bumpers came out (and her crib looks naked). Well, here we are a week or 2 later, and this is what transpired last night.

You will notice she is only on her knees. I'm sure it is only a matter of time before she is all the way up, and we'll have to go down one more level. The sad part is, I have a hard time reaching it on the lowest level! Hahah! Looks like Min will have to be the one to put her in the crib when she's already sleeping. ;)


  1. That is the biggest reason we went with a drop-side crib. I can barely reach the bottom with a sleeping child even when the side is down!

  2. I couldn't reach when we shopped either but I thought it was because I had a beach ball between me and the edge of the crib.
