Tuesday, August 11, 2009

6 month checkup

height - 26 1/4 (75%)
weight - 15 lb, 4 oz (30%)
milestones - can sit up for a little while before toppling over; army crawls just about everywhere; pulls herself up in the crib to peer over the edge when we leave; makes all kinds of sounds; eating like a champ! cereal and fruits and veggies (still with 6-7 oz. bottles between "meals"); 2 bottom teeth
problems - surprise...eczema! We finally got a prescription to help the spots on her face.

Lots of shots today. She did NOT like them. :( But now she is done for 2 more months.


  1. How are you doing with the feeding? What did you decide as far as schedule?

  2. With feeding last week, I think she went through a growth spurt. She went from not finishing the plan I had posted to not getting enough from one day to the next! So now, we pretty much follow the plan in my previous post. All bottles are now at least 6 oz., she gets some water instead of formula at dinner, and at lunch and dinner she generally eats at least a small jar, if not more! So we'll just keep moving forward with that. Oh, and btw, the chicken was NOT a success! Hahah! But she eats everything else we throw at her.
