Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tori's been awhile

We finally tried teaching Tori sign language this weekend. We'd show her how to make the more sign between every bite. She hates us! Hahah! We tried it every meal on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. She would get so upset when we would make her do it. She basically cried between every bite. So we threw in the towel. Next weekend is another weekend.

On a similar eating note, eating is so much fun with her now! We give her everything! She had pancakes with us for breakfast this morning. She had edamame at the sushi place. What's funny though, is that she LOVED all those super sweet medicines and pedialyte when she was sick (as in, she would open her mouth like a bird when she saw the medicine syringe thingy), but she won't drink juice to save her life. No apple juice. No grape juice. Even watered down. So we're back to just water again.

We had to go to the doctor this week again for her diaper rash. After 2 weeks since we went in last, the ointment they gave us was doing nothing. We're now on an "air drying, baby powder, and different ointment" regimen. It seems to be getting better. We'll see how it goes when she goes back to daycare tomorrow.

This doctor was also concerned about her eczema. Of course we saw him the day we got the "cold front" so it was redder than usual. Regardless, he gave us a whole new set of instructions. Sigh...I really hope she outgrows this soon. Btw, oatmeal baths are NOT good for eczema, so don't ever let anyone tell you different! :)

We also got to put her on the scale (which I always love doing!). She's 17 lbs, 7 oz. Over a pound more than she was a month ago. She's getting so big to me. But the crazy thing is, she still fits in her 3-6 month pants. Yep, my 9 month old wore 3-6 month pants today and they're almost too big for her. I just don't understand those sizes...

Can this blog get anymore random? Ha! Good night!


  1. Sign language is definitely not something that they just learn overnight. It can take months. :) Rather than making it something that you work hard on only at certain times, it should just be a part of your own routine. EVERY TIME that you say the word "more" to her, just sign it too. It will become such a part of you, that you won't even have to think about doing it yourself. Occasionally stop and help her do it too, but it doesn't have to be every time. Just like she naturally learned that saying the word "more" means that she's going to get more; she'll learn that signing the word "more" means the same thing. She'll understand what you're doing much earlier than she signs it back to you too, so before long you should even be able to just sign "more" (without verbalizing it) and get the same excited reaction that you probably get when you ask her "More?" now.

    Have you had a chance to read "Signing Smart"? I think Angelle mentioned that it recommends starting with 6-12 (I think that's the number) signs and doing them all any time that you say the word. I highly recommend following that method. I bet if you don't already have the book, if you ask around, you'd find a mommy who has the book that you can borrow. You're more than welcome to borrow mine, but I don't know when I'll see you again. If you're going to be seeing Nik over the holidays, let me know and I'll get my book to her before then. :)

  2. Agree with Keri. Choose the top 3-6 things you say to her (milk, more, bed, bath, etc.) and use the sign every time you say the word. Don't worry about her doing the sign. She will make the connections eventually and will surprise you one day by signing back. :)

  3. I agree with the ladies. You guys do the signs (3-6 is plenty) without worrying about her copying you. One day, she'll just start signing back and it will be the cutest thing you've ever seen in your entire life. Guaranteed.
