Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Standing tall!

Ok, so she doesnt' necessarily KNOW she's standing. But she's standing. She'll start playing wiht whatever is in her hands and just let go of the sofa. She's doing it more and more. It's so fun! I'm hoping Santa brings her one of those push toys for Christmas. I'm excited for the activity table thing we got her. Maybe she'll be able to walk around it!

On a completely unrelated note, when did you guys start putting tv on for your kids. She's 10 months, and I've put cartoons on the tv for her almost never. It's not really a conscious choice...I just am not ready to give up our tv. :) So needless to say, she's watched a lot of Law and Order and Food Network. She's seen the Baby Bach dvd a total of 5 times.

And her first Thanksgiving was awesome! She ate turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes. :) It was so fun feeding her all that food!


  1. She's pretty close to walking if she's standing! You could have a walker by Christmas!

    Elena's almost 18 months and she's been exposed to cartoons her whole life because of Halle. She's starting to talk back to the shows now, which is super cute. She says "Oh Toodles!" and she'll answer yes or no questions, like when Mickey says, "Do you want to come inside my clubhouse?" "Yes." :)

    I don't think Tori's missing anything by not watching cartoons. Especially at this age. By about 18 months though they are capable of learning shapes, colors, songs so its fun to expose them to those things in different ways. And TV is definitely a favorite for the kids. Although both my girls will still choose a book over a TV show any day and will happily pause their show to read a book instead at the drop of a hat.

  2. Good job Tori! Zach didn't watch TV until he was much older than Kaitlyn. I agree with Nikki, I don't think it hurts them but I don't think they get much out of it until later.
