Friday, June 18, 2010

Our new diet

See previous post. We took Tori to an allergist and they did the skin test, which is apparently more accuate than the blood test. Weird, right? Anyway, they tested her for soy in case the milk came back allergic, since soy would have to be her alternative. Well, good news! She's not allergic to milk. But she is allergic to soy. So the final list - wheat, egg whites, soy, cats, and dogs. we go!

Off to Whole Foods we went. We bought bread, bread crumbs, flour, pizza crust, crackers, oatmeal animal crackers, fruit and cereal bars, pastas, frozen chicken nuggets, cereal, and egg replacer. Yes, egg replacer. It's powder. It's weird. The bread is like 12 times heavier than regular bread and 100 times drier. The pizza dough, though, was a HUGE hit. I see a lot of pizza in our future.

The wheat-free is doable. Just look for gluten-free. It's all the rage now. The egg-free is ok. It made the pizza dough difficult, but we are finding stuff. You know what is surprisingly difficult is the soy. Look at your labels (I know many of you are label readers!). Soy lecithin, soy sauce, soybeans, soybean oil. FYI - vegetable oil may contain soybean oil. So, we thought for a second we could look for vegan stuff to address the egg situation. Just kidding! Everything vegan has soy!

So my Asian-Italian daughter can't eat soy sauce or pasta. WTF?!? We are one week in and don't really see a difference yet. But we do still have the cats while finding a home for Izzie. And the doctor said it could take a couple of weeks to see progress. We are going to try to keep Thumper, though. Just lots of vaccuming and keeping Tori's room cat-free. We can't part with her without putting up a fight.

It's going to be an interesting journey. If anyone has any suggestions or tips, feel free to share. I'll keep you updated!


  1. I don't have any tips, just wishing you lots of luck!!

  2. Boo! Hopefully you'll see results soon though!

  3. So sorry! That doesn't sound like fun at all. Fingers crossed she outgrows her allergies soon. I'm sure you guys will be pros at this diet before long.

    Looking forward to hearing about itch-free happy Tori soon!
