...almost a month late...
height - 29 1/4 (50%)
weight - 18 lb, 4 oz (10%)
milestones - stands up with no help; creeps all around the place with the help of furniture and "walks" holding on to our fingers; speaks a number of syllables non-stop; tries eating almost everything we give her but often decides all of a sudden she doesn't like it; we are working on having her feed herself with her fork; started drinking milk from her sippy cup but doesn't love it; 4 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth; separation anxiety is more pronounced;
problems - still dry skin all over her body; and I think we are removing her earrings until a much later date due to her skin's reaction to them.
Dr. said that although her weight gain is slowed, he is not concerned. (Although, I was a little bit unsettled myself when I just typed 10%...) Said developmentally she is doing well. Once we run out, we will stop formula.
She is definitely developing her own personality. And we definitely have a daycare baby. She picks up other babies' attitudes while I'm sure developing her own. She yells when she doesn't get what she wants, and definitely knows what she wants. I'm sure my sister is smiling right now...I did get a daughter just like me. ;) Some of it might be our fault. Like when we offered her a crumpled up bag and took it away right as she reached for it. She thought it was funny, so we did it some more. Yeah, now she does it to other kids...we're jerks...
And since I'm a month late, I can add the update that Tori is walking just before 13 months. :)
Don't worry about her weight gain. Leah actually lost 8oz from 9mo to 12mo. When they start really moving around, they grow up instead of out. Plus you and Min aren't so hefty. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Tori is doing well! We need to hang out after tax season. I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever!