Wednesday, August 18, 2010

18 Month Check-up

Tori's 18 month check-up.

height - 31 1/2 in (50%)

weight - 20 lbs. 15 oz. (8%)

milestones - Tori is a little chatterbox. Let's count how many words she can say. Mommy, daddy, Titi (Tori), up, down, please, thank you, hi, bye, night night, kitty, and others I'm sure I'm missing. She can recognize and say the sound that many animals make. I said last check up that her blowing kisses was the cutest thing ever. That was until she started to try jumping. She thinks she's jumping but her feet clearly don't leave the ground. So freaking cute. She's getting better at feeding herself with utensils, although not perfect yet. The food issue is still the food issue. (See previous allergy posts and problems below.) She has all of her teeth with the exception of her last 4 molars and her hair is growing like a weed.

problems - sigh...allergies. Although the allergist said milk was fine per the skin test, our pediatrician suggested taking it out since she's not as better as she should be. So now she is wheat, egg, soy, and milk free and gets zyrtec every night and a rub down twice a day with various lotions. It's quite a challenge, but we're dealing. I think her skin is way better than it was before, so that makes me happy.

OMG! I almost forgot the singing! She is developing quite the passion for song. Especially head shoulders knees and toes and baa baa black sheep. She makes me smile with every thought of her. :) I love my baby girl.